Call Nautilus at 619-508-7823 now to book your amazing adventure! Bluefin has already been spotted!!
- Enjoy an overnight lobster and offshore fishing trip with $1000 off the regular price!
- Spend 6 hours lobster fishing before we head south to catch cod, yellowtail, and bluefin.
- This trip is perfect for making the most of this season's bounty. We’ll start with an excellent lobster fishing session for the first six hours, then travel south towards the Finger Bank in search of yellowtail and big rockfish, before venturing offshore for bluefin. Dinner on the first night and lunch, breakfast, plus a all snacks, waters, coffee on board.
- Trip runs from 5 PM to 7 PM the next day.
- Only $3750 for a private charter up to 6 people!


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