OFFSHORE MEXICO The outer banks or bust! The outer banks far offshore Baja Mexico's coast are teeming with pelagic fish long before San Diego even gets a whiff. If you want to go in May, June, or even early July, heading south is almost always the call. Once the Bluefin cross the border they will be under heavy boat pressure and your chances drop. It is best to beat that pressure by going sooner, and going further south. The optimal duration for this trip is 2.5 to 4 days and you will head as far as 300 miles due south.If you go south, and the tuna are not there, you can go to plan B and chase Dorado, Yellowtail, Sea Bass, and an amazing variety of bottom fish including giant rockfish and huge Ling Cod. You will surely not come home empty handed, with so many species to chase, and plenty of time to do it.


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